GoodNews Kids

Information about our

GoodNews Kids Ministry

We seek to be gospel-centered and family-integrated

On being family-integrated the Bible is clear in both the Old and New Testament
(Deut 6:4-9Ps 78:4, Ps 145:4, Titus 2:2-6),
of the role of parents and the wider church family in the spiritual formation of children.

Hence we encourage families to be part of our Sunday worship together. John and Noel Piper make point well in their article “Together in God’s Presence”:
“Parents have the responsibility to teach children by example. Children can feel the difference between duty and delight. Therefore, the most important job of a parent is to fall in love with worshipping God. You can't impart what you don't possess”
“Parents have the responsibility to teach their children by their own example the meaning and value of worship. Therefore, parents should want their children with them in worship so the children can catch the spirit and form of their parents' worship. Children should see how Mom and Dad bow their heads in earnest prayer during the prelude and other non-directed times. They should see how Mom and Dad sing praise to God with joy in their faces, and how they listen hungrily to His Word. They should catch the spirit of their parents meeting the living God.”
“Worshiping together counters the contemporary fragmentation of families. Hectic 21st century life leaves little time for significant togetherness. It is hard to overestimate the good influence of families doing valuable things together week in and week out, year in and year out. And worship is the most valuable thing a human can do!”

Then on being gospel-centered we seek to teach the children using curriculum that highlights the one redeeming story of the bible pointing to Jesus throughout as the ultimate hero, namely Saviour and King.

Hence we desire the gospel to shape our kids faith and lives. As Brain Dembowczyk puts so clearly in “Gospel Centered Kids Ministry”:
“We have to point our kids to the heart over and over again like Jesus did on the sermon on the Mount. The heart is where the battle is won or lost. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work the gospel deep down into our kid’s hearts, it will show itself in what they do with their hands as well. This is the kind f gospel transformation we are after. Helping our kids trust in the gospel, find acceptance from God based on Jesus taking their sin and giving them his righteousness, and living in obedience out of love and gratitude”

Banking Details

Good News Bible Church
Bank: Nedbank
Cheque account no: 117 486 0308
Branch code: 109 114
(You may also use the generic branch code for Nedbank).
Please use your initial and surname + Menscamp as reference.
Eg: J.Smith Menscamp